The Republican Public Association “Belarusian Professional Dance League” was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus on April 29, 2022 on the International Dance Day.

Among the founders of the new professional dance organization were professionals in the field of ballroom dancing, dance art and dance sport, established in their profession, known and recognized both in our country and abroad.

Creation of the “Belarusian Professional Dance League” was actively supported in all regions of Belarus.

Representatives of other dance styles, such as Olympic discipline “Breaking”, modern, variety dance, the authors of sports and educational, cultural programs and projects, patented methods of training and rehabilitation in sports, various kinds of choreography and dance styles also took part in creating the RPA “BPDL”.

Members of the Belarusian Professional Dance Union (functioning in our country in the 90s), which was a member of the most prestigious world organization World Dance & Dance Sport Council (WD&DSC), actively supported creation of the RPA “BPDL”.

The main statutory objectives of the RPA “BPDL” are:

  • coordination of efforts aimed at promoting the process of development of all kinds of dance art and dance sport, as well as choreography in all its directions on the principles of the rule of law, patriotism, moral, aesthetic and spiritual values;
  • to promote the development of cultural and sports ties and relations in the field of education, both at home and abroad, with organizations and individuals in similar fields of activity;
  • organizing and conducting independently or jointly with state and/or public organizations festivals, competitions, contests, cups of dance and choreographic art, sports competitions in different kinds of dance sport, congresses, seminars, round tables, lectures, master classes, etc;
  • increasing the role of physical culture and sport in the harmonious development of personality, healthy lifestyle, formation of high moral morality, patriotism and love for the country.

The main objectives of the RPA “BPDL” are:

  • formation of a professional approach to its activities in all areas;
  • creation of favorable conditions for professional growth and sustainable development of dancers and coaches – its members;
  • support and career support of dancers (registration of dance classes, categories, etc.; assistance in organizing professional training, including abroad, visa support in the framework of the RPA “BPDL” and in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus; early professional orientation and assistance in employment, coordination of participation in creative, including television projects and events; methodological, informational and other professional support);
  • developing programs to support talented children and young people;
  • judging and coaching training and licensing within the activities of the RPA “BPDL”;
  • preserving the value of the history of the dance movement in our country, the primacy of the principle of respect for its members and colleagues.

Adhering to the principles of openness and accessibility in its activities RPA “BPDL” is interested in fruitful cooperation with any organization in matters of development of the dance movement in our country, respecting their legitimate interests.

RPA “Belarusian Professional Dance League” invites for cooperation public associations, dance organizations, schools and clubs, any kind of sports and creative studios, dancers, coaches, teachers, judges of all kinds of dances, dance styles and directions, choreography, fitness – all those who share our principles, goals and objectives.

On March 1, 2024 the Main Department of Justice of the Minsk City Executive Committee registered the amendments and additions to the Charter of the Republican Public Association “BPDL”, according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus № 251-З, adopted at the extraordinary Conference on 30.01.2024.

The updated Statute of the public association is available on the website in the “Documents” section.

The Public Association “Professional Dance League”, extends its activities throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus and is a member of the Belarusian Dance Association, which, in turn, is a founder and member of the Association “Belarusian Dance Sport Alliance”.

The Public Association “Professional Dance League” supports the Dancesport Herritage movement and the International Dancesport Foundation in the international arena, and since 2024 acts as a member of the international multi-sport organization CSIT, sharing the goals and objectives of these organizations.

Map of dance clubs in Belarus